April Newsletter

Winter is officially over, and temperatures are slowly inching higher. We are sure that you are happy about the recent sunny days. Let’s hope we get a lot more of them.


Our virtues of the month for April are Graciousness and Courtesy. These are self-effacing virtues. They are often lost in a culture as self-aggrandizing as our own. But to speak to our children about these qualities and to model these virtues for them is not to mold “wimps” and “losers,” as some might say, but to fortify people of deep inner strength. We use April—the month when Christianity commemorates the resurrection of Jesus, Judaism recalls the flight from Egypt, Islam celebrates Ramadan, and we all celebrate the gentle birth of spring—to speak of quiet characteristics that make for better people and a better world.


Report cards for the third marking period will be sent out Thursday, April 6. Please note that spring break begins on Good Friday, April 7, and continues the following week. The Wednesday and Thursday, April 19-20, following spring break parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled to give you a chance to consult with your children’s teachers about their progress this school year.


In addition, note that Terra Nova tests are scheduled for April 25-27. This annual standardized test helps us to see how our students are doing academically in comparison with children all over the country. They also provide you with an understanding of your child’s academic development year-by-year. Be sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and a nourishing breakfast the morning preceding each day of the test. He/she needs to bring to school two number 2 pencils (mechanical pencils are not allowed).


As you know, our spring fundraiser Race for Education has begun. This year we are seeking to raise funds generally in order to continue to provide a quality education for your children while keeping tuition rates down. As mentioned in the letter you received, students will receive various prizes according to the number of donations received. The actual Race Day will be Friday, April 28. We expect Clifton’s new mayor, Ray Grabowski, to be on hand for the event. Parents are invited!


Finally, don’t forget to re-register your child for the next school year! You will receive a 50% reduction in the registration fee if you do so by April 17 (the day we return from spring break).


May God bless you and keep you safe and healthy!


“If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world.”

Francis Bacon